The Battle for the Soul of Man
Galatians 4:4
From the time of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, a battle began for the soul of man. When Eve was deceived by Satan to eat the fruit of the tree that God had forbidden them to, and Adam joined her, Adam disobeyed God and caused sin to enter the world and death by sin.
James 1:15 (KJV) says, Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin, and, sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Because sin had entered the world, death for man was certain and Satan probably thought he had won by causing God’s creation to disobey Him.
But God had a plan. There had to be a means of redemption and God had it already established. He promised Satan that the seed of a woman would bruise his head. God was talking about the virgin birth of Jesus that was to come and the death He was going to die for the sins of mankind. And we know that Jesus was born and He did die and rose again for our redemption.
God won the war over sin at Calvary but the battle still rages with Satan trying to conquer the soul of man. However, we know that God already has the victory, so we do not have to worry about Satan taking over. When Jesus died on Calvary, He gave up His life, it was not taken from Him. When they crucified Him, they were only helping to fulfill His purpose here on earth.
When we were born, we were spiritually dead in sin but when we accept Christ, we become alive in Him and we put on the new man. We are renewed in the Spirit of our mind Ephesians 4:23-32. We are to seek to live Christ-like lives. If we yield to the Holy Spirit, we will live a life of righteousness. (Romans 6:13)
Question: To what am I yielding, the flesh or the Spirit?
Thought: The victory for our souls has already been won by Christ, so why are we conceding the battle to Satan?
Action: Fill your mind with the things of Christ so that you may live like Him.
Sermon notes that were taken from the April 08, 2007 message
by the late Pas. Algernon Malcolm
