Today, we look at part two of the More Than Conquerors series. We will look at what it means to be more than conquerors through the Word of God.
It is important for us to understand that God's Word must have pre-eminence in our lives. In the church, it must be first and foundational to what we do.
How do we become more than conquerors through the Word?
1. Delight in God's Word (Psalm 1:2). Yearn for His Word, find pleasure in it, and
spend time in it (Psalm 119:16, 24, 77, 174. If we are not delighting in God's Word,
something is wrong.
We can consider seven benefits of delighting in God's Word.
1. It brings joy to our lives - envokes it within us
2. It gives us peace - Psalm 119:65
3. It produces stability - Psalm 1:3
4. It provides constant nourishment for the soul.
5. It produces maturity.
6. It prevents failure.
7. It guarantees success
Jeremiah 17:5-6 on the other hand, speaks about what happens to those whose delight is
not in God and His Word. Their lives are barren, with no fruit or productivity.
2. We become more than conquerors through memorization of the Word (Psalm
We are to hide the Word in our hearts. Hide in Hebrew means something we can
do today that will have benefits far into the future (Proverbs 7:1-5, Colossians
3. We become more than conquerors when we meditate on the Word (Psalm 1:2).
We are to speak the Word to ourselves continuously wherever we go (Josuha 1:8).
If a formula was to be written for being more than conquerors through the Word, it would probably look like this:
Not Removing the Word+Meditating On the Word+Obedience to All the Word= Prosperity and Success (Psalm 19:7-11).
Question: Are you delighting in the Word?
Thought: When the Word is in our hearts, it guides our steps.
Action: Make time spent in the Word your priority.
Sermon notes that were taken from the November 6th, 2007 message
by the late Rev. Michael Johnson
