You would not believe that I had this wonderful post all written out and I know I hit the publish button.....but the post must still be out there in cyberspace or somewhere. I could not even find it in my draft.
But anyway. Lets get to the excitement. The last time I posted, I said that I was back on track...and it truly was my intent, but things got very busy. I received a very good review on my book from my editor. She gave me some work to do on the draft and I spent the last few weeks working on that. I am super excited about the prospect for the finished work.
Great Interview
On February 25, I had a great interview with veteran broadcaster Ric Bratton on his program, This Week in America. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview. I was nervous before it started but Mr. Bratton is a great host and things went very well. The interview is on YouTube on his program as well as my You Tube channel Please check it out. Like, subscribe and share. The link for it is also on this website in the In The Press section.
Looking Forward
All of these things are leading up to the fulfillment of my dreams. My agent recently told me that I have made the short list to have my book presented to a group of the big name publishers. This is what I have been working so hard for. I am looking forward to what lies ahead with great excitement. In all this, I pause to give praise and thanks to God because none of this would be possible without His blessings. It is His gift in operation in my life!