Woah! Did you see that? Or, Woah, what just happened?! Expression of shock or consternation over some unexpected turn of event. I had one of those today.
I was driving along, at a good pace I do admit, trying to get to an appointment. I caught up to the car just ahead of me. The driver did not seem to be in a hurry, but I did not switch lanes from behind him right away. I was watching the other cars behind me and allowing them to all jet past me before I made my move to change lanes. Finally the coast was clear, but we were approaching a curve in the road and I did not want to change on the curve. Casually I continued to let my eyes check the rear view and side mirrors to ensure the path remained clear for when we would have rounded the curve. As I was doing this, I suddenly came very aware that the car in front of me had slowed up to almost a stop and automatically my foot slammed on the brakes and the tires of my car screeched on the road as the car came to a sudden stop, just in time to avoid hitting the car in front of me.

Thank God!
It was like woah indeed! But I did not say it. All I could think instead was thank God! I breathed a sigh of relief and thanked God that the near accident had been avoided. I thanked God that the brakes had not failed. I thanked Him that someone had designed something called brakes and for giving them the wisdom to do it, but most of all I thanked Him for my life. I was a little dazed for the rest of the day as the knowledge of what could have been loomed in the back of my mind, but my heart was grateful for God's protection. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high, shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. Psalm 91:1.